Swampy Nick

''warning: this true story i not responsibel if u r scared 4 life after this''

this is the story of swampy nick the monster that haunts my dreems every nite. it all started on janawary 14 2007.
i was 6 yers old at the time. it was my birthday so mommy took me to the store 2 get a new toy. i was very exited and i was very hapy that i culd finaly get the camora of my dreems.it was the plan toys my 1st camora. after that we left and came cross a swamp. little did i no at the time that this was the home of a very scary spooky monster nown as swampy nick. anways we stoped at swampy nicks swamp and sat down and desided 2 camp ther. nite came and i was bord so i wanted to go taek pikturs of the swamp. as i was taeking pikturs a big smelly frog monster came out of the swamp. he had orang eyes, dark bumpy green sken, ripped brown shirt, no pants,1 long arm with long noodly fingers, another 2nd arm that was short and had crab hand on it. he sed boo. i was so scared. i quikly took foto of him and tried to run away. he graebed me with his stronge arms and tackled me down into his swamp. he sed n a booming deep voise: i am swampy nick. u well bekum a swampy slave, timmy. i got scared and screemed. my dad herd me and ran out with his shootgun. he shooted swampy nick in the belly and swampy nick fell into the swamp. we went home. every nite swampy nick comes 2 my bedroom window, crawls into the house, and crawls into my bed. slowy he terns me into a swamp monster like him.i rite this story before he cums bak. goodbye.